Partner Integrations
Mimicry leverages countless hours of development effort from other teams. Here's a few of the players in our stack.
Re: Oracles
Tellor - Tellor is the only truly permissionless and censorship resistant oracle we know of in the magical land of DeFi. Naturally we support their feeds for anyone who wishes to use them to create a market.
Chainlink - We leverage Chainlink as the gold standard for all things USD price lookups.
Gelato - Web3 Functions are quite the tool. If you haven't yet, please give them a spin.
Re: Data Providers
NFTGo - These guys have fantastic APIs and greatly simplify market caps.
CoinGecko - Leaders in web2 price lookups, and super flexible for floors as well.
HelloMoon - Solana beasts when it comes to NFT data.
Reservoir - Nuf' said
DIA - DIA has the easiest endpoints around when it comes to floor price lookups.
Re: UI
RainbowKit - These folks have made connecting wallets easy breezy lemon squeezy.
TradingView - Our charts are provided by TradingView, a social platform for traders and investors with versatile analytical tools. TradingView lets you track particular symbols, e.g. BTC USD, as well as dive into a more advanced market analysis with sophisticated data like crypto market cap.
Last updated
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